
CPR in your pocket

PocketAid is a concept project created as part of the Google UX Design Professional Certificate. The app allow users to learn CPR techniques and access emergency support.


May 2022

My role


Software used


To start, I was given a project prompt:

"Design a tool to help people learn how to give CPR."

Initial research helped me understand the importance of CPR in moments that matter and I was chocked to learn that 70% of Americans do not feel confident performing CPR when it could improve chance of survival by 2x to 3x.

Interviews helped me identify pain points within people wanting to learn CPR. Here are the most common points:

I then looked at direct and indirect competitors to identify gaps in the current offering...

and came up with opportunities to address the problems...

From here, I worked on user flows that would answer user needs. Here's my first iteration:

I then started sketching the main screens of my user flow. After many iterations, I was finally happy and ready to move to digital wireframes. Here's a sample of the lo-fi wireframes:

I added the main interactions between each screen of the completed set of wireframes to create a working prototype. The prototype was used in a usability study that revealed a few weaknesses:

1. Allow the user to move to any step of the guide without limitation
2. Ensure the user can add more than 1 reminder
3. Make switching from video to illustration mode easier for the user

After addressing these weaknesses, I was ready to move to visual design.

Most of the competitors used black and red with sharp edges. So I developed a soothing yet vibrant color palette with round edges making the learning experience more enjoyable.

I hope you enjoy :)

Link to hi-fi prototype